Saturday 7 February 2009

Training in New York

For the last week I have been in New York for the annual Legal Tech show where over 10,000 people in the industry all assemble in the New York Hilton hotel for 3 days + of viewing new products, giving and attending seminars and having meetings with clients, partners and prospects. Accordingly in amongst all the talking, eating and drinking in various local restaurants and bars I did not manage much training in the week other than a couple of trips to the hotel gym until the last day when I hired a bike in Central Park. I must admit to a short ride for a number of reasons - minus 11 degrees centigade is a good one, and although the park looked beautiful in the snow - the roads were equally beautiful with plentiful ice. I did however manage to find a couple of Brazilian tourists to take a photo (the fact they were Brazilian not being of any consequence). Arrived back in England this morning to more snow - and the side roads of Farnham and surrounds being icy - so I suspect not much cycling this weekend.


  1. Its quite interesting to ride on cycle in minus 11 degree temprature.I think you have enjoyed the ice around you.

  2. Sorry I could not stay and ride with you in NYC. Kudos for getting out there in the cold. There is lycra in your future.
