Saturday, 28 February 2009

Now that the extremely cold weather is behind us I have actually started some serious training and having recently received the training programme which recommends 10 to 15 mile rides 3 times a week plus 30 to 40 mile rides each weekend day, I feel as if I am behind the power curve. Luckily I have been very fortunate to have the support of a friend who has not only lent me his go-faster road bike but also rather patiently takes me on ever longer rides (patient as he is continually waiting for me to catch up!). Not sure how many of you have ridden a go-faster bike, but they are terrifying – thin little tyres which make it particularly wobbly and more gears than I will learn how to use – so that in theory a good average speed is maintained. Going up hill is easier than on my mountain bike, but the way down is a real case of gritting one’s teeth, focusing on the horizon, hanging on for grim death and hoping that there are no holes in the road. It keeps the adrenalin going though….

Going back to the training programme – riding a bike during the week at the moment is just a tad challenging, and for those who know my lifestyle they will agree that there are simply not enough hours in my day. Someone did suggest riding in London, however I am rather keen to live long enough to at least start the ride in May! This is hopefully going to soon change as we are planning to move house to the middle of the Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire – further South West than current – in early April. As well as having a pub opposite the house, the other advantage is that the station is a good 10 mile ride away (rather than the 800 yards at the moment). The theory is therefore that I will ride to the train, leaving the bike in Wiltshire, then bike back home in the evening – trying to avoid going via the pub. Sounds like a plan, though whether I will stick to it is another matter.

Many people have enquired about my Lycra (or Spandex to those in the US). Well – I am pleased to report that I am still Lycra free, though having cycled 35 miles in one outing last weekend, I am beginning to warm to the idea – or at least by nether regions are…the kit list arrived this week, and as well as recommending Lycra we are recommended to take all sorts of strange ointments, pills and potions – as if pain is expected. Maybe the organisers are telling us something!

Saturday, 7 February 2009

Training in New York

For the last week I have been in New York for the annual Legal Tech show where over 10,000 people in the industry all assemble in the New York Hilton hotel for 3 days + of viewing new products, giving and attending seminars and having meetings with clients, partners and prospects. Accordingly in amongst all the talking, eating and drinking in various local restaurants and bars I did not manage much training in the week other than a couple of trips to the hotel gym until the last day when I hired a bike in Central Park. I must admit to a short ride for a number of reasons - minus 11 degrees centigade is a good one, and although the park looked beautiful in the snow - the roads were equally beautiful with plentiful ice. I did however manage to find a couple of Brazilian tourists to take a photo (the fact they were Brazilian not being of any consequence). Arrived back in England this morning to more snow - and the side roads of Farnham and surrounds being icy - so I suspect not much cycling this weekend.

Very amusing

My thanks to Chris Dale for the very amusing entry on his blog:

Worth a read.